aquaponics development
Immersed in aquaponics
Aquaponics is a relatively new sustainable way for food production.
It combines hydroculture with aquaculture, whereby fishes produce the nutrients for the growth of the plants.
The system is known as one of the most environment-friendly systems for growing food.
Our main focus is the development of aquaponics systems.

Valentijn Schepens started with ‘Vasch aquaponics’ in 2009.
Since then, Vasch has been playing a leading role in aquaponics development and distribution of information in Europe.
Among the things that have been realised :
- 2010: kick-off of, the Dutch aquaponics information site for hobbyists and professionals
- 2012: kick-off of the Dutch Aquaponics forum on
- 2014: development of the Vasch bell-siphon
- 2014: partnership with Blue Acres (The Netherlands)
- 2015 partnership with Smart Farmers (Belgium) and Aquaponie Gérin
- 2016: kick-off of the European Aquaponics Webshop:
- 2017: formation of Aquaponics Professionals, a consortium to offer professional services in AP
- 2018: partnership with De Groene Waters, as new sales point for
- 2018: Official dealer for Uniseals
- 2018: part of the founding team of the European Aquaponics Association
Vasch aquaponics is specialised in:
- Aquaponics consultancy for backyard, urban and professional systems
- Development of aquaponics specific systems and automation
- Sales of aquaponics related products
- Training via workshops and support in schools
- Networking and partnering with worldwide Aquaponics organisations